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See Why This Man Cries 3 Decades Later

3 Decades is 30 years of selling ice cream, take that out from a humble man that saw it as the only stable way to make ends meet in Nigeria. Zaradn Espee, one of the kids who benefited from his kind gesture, back in the day, wrote: What was supposed to be an ice cream delivery turned out to be a big surprise for Musa Halidu A.K.A Mai ice cream as this group of people gathered and presented him with a total contribution of N110k, out of which 40k was given to him in cash and the balance of 70k to be deposited in an account he will open after sallah. And that’s not all because my Oga Bello Aliyu gave him new pairs of clothing for the festivity.

To our surprise, he remembered the schools we went to in kaduna and also revealed that the free ice cream and Lolly we had was paid for from his pocket.  We listened to his challenges and encouraged him to make good use of his funds as it was time to retire from a trade of over 3 decades with very little to show for it. He couldn’t help but get all emotional because it was a big deal to him considering he makes about 1k a day on that bicycle and he has a family to cater for.
I want to thank everyone for their support and also convey the appreciation of this humble man. You should’ve seen the priceless look on his face.
Than you again for making this possible…

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