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Must Read: How to scare away reptiles from your home toilet bowl?

Sequel to what happened in Abuja Air- force Base earlier today. Where an airwoman ( female Naval personnel) was bitten by a snake in her toilet. As a result, died from a snake bite. If you missed the post, read it below.

We should pour SALT or any other anti- reptiles chemical in our toilet bowl to scare away any hidden reptiles that might have gained access into the toilet bowl. Alternatively, pour KEROSENE or BLACK OIL.

NAF personnel dies after a snake in her toilet bit her when she sat on her toilet bowl at her home in Abuja.

A Nigerian Air Force female officer identified as Lance Corporal Bercy has died after she got bitten by a poisonous snake when she sat on the toilet seat in her room.

Reports said the snake made its way into her toilet bowl (WC) and bit her on Saturday at her residence at the Airforce Base, Bill Clinton Way, Airport Road, Abuja.

She was rushed to the medical centre, but she didn’t survive and was pronounced dead at the medical centre.

The snake is suspected to have found its way into her home through the Septic Tank to the Waste Dislodger.

A snake whisperer was said to have been called after the incident to remove the huge reptile from the toilet.
Efforts to get the NAF authorities to speak on the development have so far proved abortive as even text messages are not responded to.

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