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ifa dida

Ose Ifa – Message from Araba of Oworonsoki Kingdom, Lagos Nigeria.

At today’s Ose Ifa, let us request from Orunmila adequate protection for ourselves, children, families, friends (well wishers) from undesirable souls who derive pleasure from killing fellow human beings. We should insist that we have nobody else to save us except him. We should have faith to say as follows:-
“Bi ibi ba nse niwaju, bi ibi ba nse leyin
Sense, Ifa ko ni jeki ibi o se ni’le awo, sense ( Ose tua).
If danger is in front, if tragedy is at the back
Sense(spirit of safety), Ifa will never allow catastrophe to happen in the house of priests and priestesses, Sense( spirit of safety).
Stay blessed.
From Araba of Oworonsoki Kingdom, Lagos Nigeria.

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