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See minimum wage in Top 10 Oil Producing Countries (Compare and contrast by population)

Why minimum wage in Nigeria is the lowest is because of the Population. Let try to proof that!
Nigeria has Population of more than 170 million.

The highest minimum wage which is Venezuala has 30 Million people.

Lets assume we are using 170 Million in Nigeria which is more than that.

170m/30m = 5.6m

Meaning Venezuela should be getting 18,000x 5.6=  100,800 Here Nigeria is making more than Venezuela in Minimum wage in comparison to the population.

Price Per litter:  Venezuela is surelly more preffereable to Nigeria.

Comparing Nigeria to venezuela price per L.
170m = 30m
xN = 3.61N

Nigeria should be paying 20 Naira  per L in correlation with Venezeula
Conclusion, no matter how you try to calculate it, Nigeria should be paying less for PMS. At least at 20N per L in comparison to venezuela . 


Lets do Kuwait.
Population in Kuwait – 3.369M
population in Nigeria – 170M

170m/3.369 m=50m Here Kuwait should be getting 50×18,000 as minimum wage= 900,000 ( But Kuwait is getting 161,461Naira) Again Nigeria is better paid than Kuwait when you compare the population to minimum wage in Nigeria.

Now lets calculate the pms Price.
Comparing Population of Nigeria to Kuwait price per L.
xN = 34.54N
N1742 per L
Nigeria should be paying N1742 per L when you compare it to Kuwait. (O boy)Nigeria is better here oh.

Nigeria is 50 times more than Kuwait in Population
Calculate the rest and get the average of top countries. This should be what Nigeria should be paying or even paying per L
if it’s less than 141 then 141 is not bad. The way I am looking at it, it will be more than 141 cos the average of the two we have calculate is 1742+20/2= 881Naira per Litre.


WHat is your Final answer ?


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