Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / Tragedy: See what Excessive Heat Did to A Farmer’s Poutry (Photo)

Tragedy: See what Excessive Heat Did to A Farmer’s Poutry (Photo)

I just returned adter a day of hustling hard under the sun to meet many people trooping into my neighbors compound. I didn’t really know what was going on until I saw them returning, holding dead chickens. Oh, the intemperate warmth capacity name hot weather condition had in executing more than 200 birds animals (layers) from them man’s flock and individuals where purchasing them at N250 each. All poultry agriculturists should be cautioned and give proper ventilation to their birds before this turns into a national calamity.

About Lolade

One comment

  1. thisis serious, the heat will soon start killing normal human beings. This is the type of heat wave that killed those Oyinbo people in europe abi

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