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China has surpassed the threshold and can protect its territorial integrity

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for Ooduarere via The Saker Blog

China has crossed that threshold, where anyone can destabilize, or harm China. It is clearly expressed by the Chinese President;

Anyone attempting to split China in any part of the country will end in crushed body and shattered bones” Chinese President Xi Jinping was quoted as saying during his meeting with Nepali Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, during his visit to Nepal on 13 October 2019.

It is a very serious statement by a powerful President of China, who hold political, executive and military powers, a rising superpower of the world. Those who know President Xi’s nature and personality can understand that he is a person of high character and usually avoid such a strong statement. Overall Chinese are more mature and rational in approach and are not in a habit of boosting or giving extreme statements. China a civilization of several thousand years of long history has been passed many rise and falls. Varied experiences have taught Chinese many bitter lessons too. Blessing and disguise have made Chinese nations even wiser and united. Generally speaking, the Chinese are more tolerant, flexible and accommodating.

China is following its policy of “Peace and Development” and has shown flexibility on many occasions like the 2017 Doklam incident when Chinese and Indian armies came face to face but China played diplomacy and averted a war, which has saved both nations from a big disaster. In the trade war between China and the US, China observed patience a lot and tried its best to avoid any tension, but finally, have left with no option except reciprocating accordingly.

China is not playing aggressive policy on all international issues, either it was the Iraq war, or Libya war or the Syrian crisis, or the Afghan issue. China is showing more tolerance and trying to resolve all differences through peaceful dialogue according to the UN charter.

China being an emerging geopolitical power, has an interest in a stable, and peaceful world. China is promoting diplomacy, understanding, cultural integration, free and fair trade, globalization and prosperity. China is keen on maintaining world order stable and safe.

But it has been noticed that some mischievous nations are trying to destabilize China and instigating separatist movements or agitation and unrest. There is evidence of foreign hands in the case of Hong Kong unrest and the Xinjiang issue. Supplying arms to Taiwan and supporting the Independence of Taiwan is also a challenge to the “One China” policy.

The British practiced the “Divide and Rule” policy for its colonization grip during the last two centuries. American followed a similar approach and penetrate into a country under the umbrella of friendship, diplomacy, democracy, freedom of expression, human rights, aid, and development, etc., but at the same time identify the disgruntled or destitute people in the society. They cultivate them and support them, even help then financially and once matured and trained, exploit them against their own state. The worse thing is they practice this exercise with their own friends. “When you have American Friends, you may not need Enemies” When they are your apparent-friends, simultaneously, they are harming you.

Media war, trade war, visa sanctions, blacklisting Chinese companies, etc., are all means of hybrid war launched against China. China is fully aware of all such threats and still not openly retaliating, is due to its century-old wisdom and deep strategy. China has set its goals of development and wanted to achieve its targets peacefully. China does not want any confrontation with any nation on any issue until it reaches the final destination pre-set by its “China Dream”.

On 24 October 2019, Vice President Mike Pence delivered remarks at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars about the future of the U.S. relationship with China as both countries work to resolve their outstanding differences over trade. While a deal is expected and some understanding is reached already. But such sentiments, expressed by Vice President seems inappropriate, especially at this critical moment, when negotiations are underway to improve US-China trade relations. While the world has high expectations from ongoing negotiations, negative remarks may harm talks.

China is a nation of several minorities with the majority of Han nationality. All minorities along with the majority Han, were living in harmony since ages and respect each other and respect each other’s culture, traditions, habits, religion, ideology, and lifestyle. Even before the liberation of China in 1949. Chinese constitution provides full protection of its minorities. Even during cultural revolutions, minorities were respected to a great extent.

The Chinese system of governance is very robust and comprehensive. It has its own merit of democracy, which might be very different from Western-Style democracy. Chinese public trusts its leadership and strengthens their hands, while Chinese leadership protects the public interest and worked hard for their welfare. Chinese people and government are on the same page, there is no deficiency of trust on either side. China can resolve its domestic issues. Although, China can opt for use of force to settle minor issues, always hesitate to use force and observe restraint and patience. On the issue of Hong Kong, China has shown maximum flexibility and it is hoped that the resident of Hong Kong will realize soon and will restore the normal routine life. Beijing has met its original and basic demand of extradition already.

China believes in basic principles set by the United Nations Charter and abide by them strictly. That is noninterference to other country’s domestic affairs. In the history of modern China since 1949, China never indulged in the domestic issue of any other nation. China maintains its relations with all nations on equality, mutual respect, mutual interests and non-interference to other domestic affairs. And expect, other nations will follow a similar policy of non-interference into Chinese affairs. China is a sovereign state and possesses the capacity to handle all its issues.

China has developed in all dimensions, including economy, S&T, Defense, etc., to a stage where no other country can challenge it. China has surpassed the threshold of foreign conspiracies. China can face any challenge posed to its sovereignty conveniently.

The latest statement by China is based on its preparedness to face any challenge. China is an important global power and is playing a role to maintain peace and stability in the region and worldwide. China’s role in the multipolar world is instrumental. China’s development is in all dimensions including economic development, technology development, and defense development. China has modernized its armed forces on similar lines of any advanced country in the world. Chinese Armed Forces are smart and equipped with the latest hi-tech weaponry systems. The use of high-tech and advanced technologies has made Chinese defense unique and unbeatable. China enjoys and maintains supremacy in many aspects of the defense sector too.

Although China does not have any aggressive motives but kept itself ready to face any threat, from any country, any moment and in any form. Those who think to compete in China, contain China, or curtail China, will not succeed. They are living in the “fool’s paradise”. The days have gone, when China accepts the supremacy of some other countries. But now China is an equal partner in maintaining the World Order and major stakeholders on all fronts.

China is the second-largest economy and growing at a fast pace. China’s development is in all dimensions and very much sustainable. Those who used to say the Chinese Economy as a “Bubble Economy” were mistaken and proved wrong. The world has witnessed Chinese sustainable developments. The Chinese economy is based on its abundance of natural resources and a huge workforce. Chinese mineral sector and Agriculture are the basis of Chinese Industrialization. The Chinese workforce is competitive and well trained. The efficient and qualified human resources, plus indigenous raw material has made China more competitive. No other country can compete in China in the manufacturing sector. Chinese achievements in education, Science, Technology, and Innovation, had made Chin enter hi-tech sector too.

I think the way forward is only to cooperate with China and join the rise of China and maybe the beneficiary of China’s rise. China believes in Peace and promotes peace. Those nations who accept China’s rise and become a partner in its course of development will be beneficiary too. Those who miss the train may repent later one.

Especially, BRI is a mega initiative of China for promoting Connectivity, Infrastructure, People to People Contact, Trade, Business, Culture and Understandings among various nations, and ultimately promoting World Peace, Stability and Prosperity. Those who understand China, are joining BRI and some of the countries are already enjoying the fruits of BRI. Pakistan is the biggest beneficiary of BRI initiatives and managing the Flagship project of “China-Pakistan Economic Corridor” (CPEC). Those who do not understand China, or jealous of China’s achievements and development and are trying to compete with China or trying to counter China, or curtail China, or contain China, are mistaken and will be proved wrong. China has already crossed that threshold and emerged a geopolitical power already. The world must realize Chinese potential and recognize the Chinese role in Global “Peace, Stability and Prosperity”. Chinese President’s remarks in Nepal to protect its territorial integrity should be taken serious. It is not a tweet message, which can be U-turned. It is a message from a serious, mature and strong leader.

Author: Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist, ex-Diplomate, Academician, Researcher, Peace-activist, Geo-analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), Islamabad, Pakistan. E-mail: awanzamir@yahoo.com)


About BalogunAdesina

International political activist, public commentator, Political scientist and a law abiding citizen of Nigeria. Famous Quote ---> "AngloZionist Empire = Anglo America + Anglo Saxon + the Zionist Israel + All their Pamement Puppets (E.g all the countries in NATO,Saudi Arabia,Japan,Qatar..) +Temporary Puppets (E.g Boko haram, Deash, alQeda,ISIL,IS,...)"

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