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Tag Archives: russia

assad putin

World Photo Of The Day: Vladimir Putin & Bashar al-Assad meet in Moscow

Vladimir Putin: Mr President, Let me wish you a warm welcome to Moscow. Despite the dramatic situation in your country, you have responded to our request and come here to Russia, and we thank you for this. We took the decision upon your request to provide effective aid to the Syrian people in fighting ...

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russian gen

Media-briefing of Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Col. Gen. Andrei ‎Kartapolov

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Must Read to those Bashing Osinbajo’s move to Ukraine but not Russia for Arms.

For those of you that ask why not quickly embrace Russia for help as to asking Ukraine for help ? See how a political scientist, publisher and a political public commentator answered the question bellow. “Russia under Putin is a ...

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Cruise Missiles

Russia’s Secretive Flotilla: A Look at Who Shot Cruise Missiles at ISIL

Russia’s cruise missile strikes against ISIL targets in Syria were launched from an unlikely place: the Caspian Sea, where Russia operates a small but highly advanced naval force. The Russian cruise missile strikes against ISIL on Wednesday were carried out by the little-known ...

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International Military Review – Syria, Oct. 15, 2015: Iran’s Attitude

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m1 24

The flying Tank: Russian Mi-24 Helicopter Pilots in Syria Wow Western Analysts (Video)

With Russian airstrikes devastating the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group in Syria, Moscow’s Mi-24 attack helicopters have given the Kremlin a significant advantage. So effective, they’re even impressing Western skeptics. Also known as Hind helicopters, the Mi-24 is capable of traveling up to ...

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cruise missile

US Hegemon can’t Bully the world with impunity any more as Russia’s Cruise Missiles win hearts

Mexican journalist Alfredo Jalife-Rahme believes that the success of the Caspian Flotilla’s recent operation to attack ISIL targets in Syria with cruise missiles has demonstrated Russia’s growing ability to challenge the US’s global naval supremacy. In an article for Mexican daily ...

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rebel syria

ISIL: Islamic State Declares Holy War Against Russia !

The Islamic State (ISIL) has called on Muslims worldwide to launch jihad against Russian and US citizens.  Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani called on the Islamic youth worldwide to start a holy war against Russians and Americans “in their ...

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Russian jets

Russian Aircraft in Syria Carry Out 88 Sorties in 24 Hours

The targets included ISIL command posts, weapon storage facilities, and sites where the group manufactured explosives, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said Tuesday. — Russian aircraft carried out 88 sorties in Syria in 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said ...

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rebel syria

12.10.2015 Crisis News & International Military Review: Myth About Moderate Rebels

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at https://www.youtube.com/user/crimeanfront/videos

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