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Tag Archives: russia


Massive Russian Armada Begins Historic War Drills in the Mediterranean Sea

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J. R. Bolton

American hysterics at the meeting of Bolton and Patrushev (Ruslan Ostashko)


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Russian MoD: Foreign Specialists Arrived in Syria to Stage Chemical Attack

On Saturday, the Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said that a group of militants, who had been trained by the Olive Group, planned to stage the rescue of the victims of a chemical weapons attack in Idlib. ...

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All hands on deck: the Caspian sails towards Eurasia integration

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) The five states surrounding the sea – Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan – have reached difficult compromises on sovereign and exclusive rights as well as freedom of navigation ...

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The Russian ‘soft power” is total crap (Anna Sochina)

(please click on ‘cc’ to see the English language subtitles) A big THANK YOU to Eugenia for translating and subtitling this excellent video!

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Russian-Air-Defenses in Khmeimin 864x400_c

Making sense of a few rumors about Russian aircraft, tanks, and aircraft carriers

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Russians are typically good at some things, and not so good at others.  One of the things which Russian politicians are still terrible at, is avoiding self-inflicted PR disasters.  Remember how Russian officials ...

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Russian Military Campaign in Syria 2015-2018

INTRODUCTION The Russian military operation in Syria is nearing the end of its third year. Since 2015, Moscow has been employing its air power, military advisors and diplomatic resources to defeat a multitude of terrorist groups, to support the legitimate ...

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russian internet

Russia has started building its own Internet, by Evgeni Super

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor   Time, Forward! Is the project of journalist Evgeni Super Russia has started building an alternative Internet, not on paper, but in reality. Why do we need it, and how it will work will be ...

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iran test

AngloZionist attack options against Iran

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] In the past few days, the Internet has been flooded with a frankly silly rumor about the US soliciting Australia’s assistance in preparing an attack on Iran.  Needless to say, that report does not ...

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Erratic Empire Downfalling

By Sergio Weigel Everybody understands the importance of the dollar system as the Achilles heel for the US empire yet oddly, when analysing imperial action of Warshington of the last decades, the focus is usually on ideologies like Zionism or American ...

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