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When the crocodile was coming to earth from heaven according to Ogbe Yonu

Olodunmare asked the crocodile how did you want to live on earth who did you want to be on earth. Did you want to live amid easiness but have a meaningless life or did you want to live amid enemies and have a life called legacy?

The crocodile told Olodunmare please give me some time so I can think about it. The crocodile then went and made ifa consultation with Orunmila who told him to make sacrifices and remove fear away from his heart and the crocodile.

He was asked to offer sharp objects like blades, knives, and pins. After he finished making the sacrifices the crocodile went to sleep and went to Olodunmare the next day. The crocodile told Olodunmare please I want the life of Legacy and then Olodunmare put his Ase on his request and he was sent to earth.

On getting to earth the crocodile couldn’t live among humans and other animals on the ground because they wanted his meat and he was so different … also he couldn’t stay under the sea because the sharks and the whales wanted to eat him up too … He lived in fear and pain
One day he remembered the Ebo he did with Orunmila and he shouted at the top of his voice … I made Ebo: why again am I suffering … why again am I in pain … why am I not living in peace?
Orunmila replied :
Ebo doesn’t mean that your destiny would not happen. it would only beautify it
Ebo doesn’t mean that you would not have enemies. It would only make you conquer them
Crocodile do not fear cause you have been blessed with two features … you will live on land among the animals and you will live in the water among the fishes and the sharks of the sea and they will be able to do nothing to you.

Ooni waka-waka baba re lo ni bu … Kosi eni tii yoo gba odo lowo Ooni
From that moment onward the sharp object that the crocodile used in making Ebo came out of all his body and whenever an animal whether in the sea or on earth tried to hurt him. They are always cut and they end up injuring themselves till now his Ebo has stood up for him.

Your destiny is the reason why things that are easy for others are hard for you … your destiny is the reason why you felt so down and unable … You choose this life yourself …

Don’t be scared to live it whenever you think you have a problem think about the crocodile that couldn’t live on the ground and in water for years but ended up ruling it.
Whenever your enemies … Backbiters and haters never want you to be in. You shall be there and rule over them Ase O!!!
Ajagunmale Alaajeifa

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