Home / Naija Gist / Foreign / Passenger Drags Airline After Sitting Next To An Obese Man’ For 12 Hours

Passenger Drags Airline After Sitting Next To An Obese Man’ For 12 Hours

A passenger is suing British Airways after being sat next to ‘a 23-stone man’ on a 12 hour flight. The businessman claims his back was injured after having to sit next to the overweight individual.

Stephen Prosser, 51, who works as a company director, claims he suffered “soft tissue damage” after the man “wedged” himself into the seat next to him.

The pair were given seats by BA next to each other on the 12-hour flight from Bangkok airport in Thailand to London Heathrow on January 10, 2016.

Mr Prosser, who is only 5ft 2in, claims that the obese passenger was “so large” that his body fat “spilled” into his seat by several inches.

The freelance civil engineer said he was crushed against the side of the plane by a 6ft 5in man weighing 23-stone.

His lawyers say Mr Prosser was “forced to adjust his body and sit in an awkward and uncomfortable position” for the whole 12 hour and 40 minute flight.

Mr Prosser says he was left suffering symptoms from his injuries for the following three months – and is now seeking damages.

But British Airways deny the claims – stating Mr Prosser “did not not display any signs of injury” when leaving the flight.

Defence documents to the claim show Mr Prosser was sitting in a window seat on the plane and the “obese” passenger was in the middle seat.

Immediately after take-off Mr Prosser asked to speak to the Customer Service Manager and refused to sit in his seat.

The airline manager was under the impression he wanted an upgrade and told him the flight was full.

Mr Prosser told the manager he would have “back pain” and would not be able to go to work if he wasn’t moved.

But the manager found the comments “surprising” after it was less than half an hour after take-off.

He is claiming between £5,000 and £10,000 as general damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity.

The case is set to be heard at Pontypridd County Court on Friday.

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