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Pretty Teacher Arrested For Allegedly Having S3x With 17-Year-Old Student.

A special education teacher in Cincinnati (a major city in Ohio, USA) has been arrested after being accused of having sex with a female student.

Jennifer Walsh, 26, was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of sexual battery after police say she had was with the student from Sycamore High School intimately from May to August.

The Montgomery police investigated a sexual battery complaint October 18 after a Hamilton County Job and Family Service investigator reported the incident involving Walsh and the 17-year-old student according to Fox 19.

Police seized the teacher’s cellphone, computer and personal documents and on October 19 she resigned from her position.

Sycamore High School says they are cooperating with police as they investigate the allegations against the resigned teacher.

A grand jury indicted Walsh Monday.

Montgomery police investigated a sexual battery complaint Oct. 18 after a Hamilton County Job and Family Service investigator reported the incident involving the teacher and 17-year-old female student.

Police say they seized Walsh’s computer, cell phone and personal documents as part of their search.

In an email to parents the high school said:

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of a situation involving a former Sycamore High School employee.

Walsh went on paid personal leave in mid-September and before officially being charged.

A school district spokeswoman told WCPO9 that Walsh had been on personal, paid leave since mid-September, prior to her resignation.

In the police report, five witnesses came forward about the sexual battery incident, with one of the people being a fellow teenager.

WCPO9 reports the student was not in the special education program.

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