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Africans mental slavery

An Open letter to all Africans

Dear Africans put an end to this mental slavery. Teach your children their mother tongue, give them African names and allow the locals to feel free to speak their native languages without any stigma.

When they move from Europe to Africa, = Voyages of discovery.

When we move from Africa to Europe = Illegal immigrants.

A group of Africans in Europe = Refugees.

A group of Europeans in Africa = Tourists.

A group of Africans in the bush = Poachers

A group of Europeans in the bush = Hunters.

Black people working in a foreign country = foreigners

White people working in a foreign country = expatriates

This world has failed Africa, or have we failed ourselves? Food for thought!!


When a French national cannot speak English, Africans respect him.

When a Spanish can’t speak English, Africans respect him.

When a Chinese can’t speak English, Africans respect him.

When a Russian can’t speak English, Africans respect him.

When a Portuguese can’t speak English, Africans respect him.

But when an African can’t speak English, Africans consider him a joke, unintelligent, illiterate, dumb, and stupid.

That’s the level or extent of damage we have suffered as a people. We use English as a yardstick to measure the intelligence of our people, including children.

A country that makes English compulsory in schools 🏫 but Agriculture optional will continue to speak 🗣🙊 “ENGLISH ON EMPTY STOMACH”….!!!

In our schools, children are made to believe they’re stupid just because they can not speak a language alien to their ancestral route.

Do not help the oppressors to extend their oppression.

If you come across this post, share it widely to spread this message and enlighten an African. The people around you need to hear this. It’s a collective effort. Don’t break the chain of mental revolution.

About ayangalu

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