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‪#‎NigerianHypocrisy‬ by OBK (True or false)

A woman was murdered for preaching the gospel of Jesus in the Northern part of Nigeria.
SOME Nigerians came online asking, “why was she preaching about Jesus in a Muslim community?”
As usual, Nigerians will blame
the victim. No matter the situation, especially black victims. A lot of us do this unconsciously because we lack empathy for people that look just like us.
Is it a crime to preach the Gospel of Jesus in Nigeria ? And who gave executive power to Mohammad and company?
We ought to be talking about justice for this woman who was exercising her religious rights as a citizen of Nigeria. If this unfortunate incident was in France, Nigerians, would normally have heart attacks, literally. How come we don’t exhibit such connection when is in our back yard ?
Nigerians are totally programmed. Either by indoctrination or totally assimilated into oblivion due to their so called cheap western education. Pathetic !
Obk !

Odua Balogun Kakanfo

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