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Omonile: Why you should not allow Wall geckos in your House!

Take this information seriously. Medically it has been satisfied from findings that this animal’s geckos skins are more dangerous than snake venom, a drop from it can clear an entire family when mistakenly taken along with meals, ignorantly people see this animal as harmless, also helps them to eat up other unwanted known insects like mosquitos, cockroaches and others, without knowing that this is the most dangerous killer in the household and environment.

This reptile can kill within 60 seconds if not medically attended to pls be careful, wipe this animal today, before it wipe the family, To eradicate it in your home, just mix salt and garlic and put it in different corners of your room.
You will never see them again. Save a life today and be happy tomorrow. There are no excuses.

Dr. Stanley I.B.

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