5) Kate Henshaw Nuttal
Kate Henshaw Nuttal who is 44 years of age was born on July 19, 1971 without a doubt makes it on this list of the top 10 most wonderful Female actresses. She is a Cross River State beauty who additionally happens to be one of the wealthiest Nollywood performers around with a total assets of 67 million Naira.
She is hitched to a white man and is at present the Face of Onga. In 2008, she won an award for best performing artist in a leading role at the African Movie Academy Awards. She has a few movies added to her repertoire and her pure beauty sparkles through.
Nice list.
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Nigeria’s most talented actresses
Omosexy is truly a role model and a standard for everyone else to live up too.. It’s not by having money at all or copying foreign style Single mother sh*t.. It’s by living with standard.
Though things may get tough and rough but not enough not to choose from several millions of guys out there to settle down with..