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On the justification of prostitution(both male and female)

First and foremost, I would like to drop all hypocrisy and lay my mind bare.
Studying biology has taught me something profound about s3xual feelings, it’s a natural and very healthy urge or libido. If you are hypers3xual, it’s perfectly normal because there is no professional psychiatric body that has stipulated a range for what’s a normal s3xual appetite. Some people have s3x once a year, others once a month but then there are the “nasty” ones who want it every day.

I just want to state clearly that “nasty” as used here is a compliment and you don’t have to be ashamed of something that comes naturally.
However, as human beings with the ability to rationalise and make intelligent decisions; one has to balance the natural urge to have s3x with the responsibilities associated with such activities.
Being a moralist and very sincere thinker, I was confronted with this question;
“How should we satisfy such feelings that come naturally, in a manner that is both responsible and respectful of the feelings of others?”

It’s a fact that s3xual urge is natural and healthy; it’s a fact that s3x helps relieve anxiety and pain but how do we go about it in a moral and responsible way?
Sincerity has a lot to do with obtaining s3x in a moral way as the following statistics reveal our hypocrisy when it comes to s3x.
Research shows that around 30-60% of men will cheat in their marriages while the stat for women is lower than this.
5-10% of children in Nigeria are as a result of infidelity.
7% of Catholic priests have admitted to molesting children while 58% have had some form of homos3xual or heteros3xual s3x!



15% of marriages end due to infidelity in America(it’s the affairs that got discovered.)
37 million names of cheating spouses got released from the Ashley Madison website hack of 2015. This is an anonymised website for philandering people.
These numbers are troubling and beg the need to discuss ways to get s3x in a responsible manner that shows respect for others.
Statistics also show the public health risk of philandering when placed side by side with legalised prostitution.
In a 2001 survey of condom compliance by Umar U.S et al in 21 brothels in and around Ibadan showed that 93% of s3xual activities were carried out with condoms as compared to a report by Oyediran K.A., et al 2003 which showed that amongst out of school young males, 43% couldn’t use a condom correctly while less than 30% consciously decided to use it during s3x.

We are therefore confronted with the puzzling realisation that STIs are transmitted mostly by philandering young males in consensual non-remunerative s3x. Prostitution stems the spread of STIs while cheating increases the chances of contracting diseases.
So is prostitution a better and more moral way of satisfying a natural desire?
That question is open to varying interpretations depending on opinions and perspective especially religious perspective but what we can’t argue against is the statistics.
Prostitution(the statistics doesn’t cover male prostitution as data is hard to get due to stigmatisation of male prostitutes.) is a safer alternative in satisfying a natural s3xual desire as opposed to philandering.

Legalised prostitution involves a contract with another consenting adult. Both parties are sincere about what they want from the contract, one side usually has financial incentives while the other offers some form of s3xual act. Nobody lies in a prostitution transaction and nobody’s heart gets broken unlike cheating. Legalized prostitution creates revenue for government with cities like Las Vegas cashing in, it also prevents exploitation by criminals and child trafficking rings due to the formation of legal unions to protect the interests of prostitutes.

Open relationships and polyamory should be encouraged as well as s3x education so as to foster understanding and truthfulness in s3xual relationships.
If you are on the high libido end of the spectrum, please don’t marry an innocent woman or someone who is not s3xually compatible with you.
Likewise the women, if you are not a freak then don’t marry a freaky man. Understand your s3xual habits and that of your partner before committing to long term relationships.
S3x is natural and healthy but we must go about it in a sincere, safe and responsible manner so as to avoid conflicts and reduce the burden of STIs in Subsaharan Africa.
The pastors and holier-than-thous can now come for Darren’s neck. ???????


By Darren

About ayangalu

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