Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / Naija Gist Special: 15yrs after operation, Scissors discovered in the abdomen Of Nigerian Pilgrim in Saudi Arabia

Naija Gist Special: 15yrs after operation, Scissors discovered in the abdomen Of Nigerian Pilgrim in Saudi Arabia


The authorities in Saudi Arabia have unveiled that a pair of scissors was found in the mid-region of a unidentified Nigerian pilgrim arriving Saudi Arabia for the Hajj journey. As indicated by reports, the anonymous man was going through the metal spotting machine at the Jeddah airplane terminal when it bleeped, unveiling there was a metal in his body.

The man was advised by the cops to get back, remove all electronic thing and metal items and go through the metal identifying machine once more. Nonetheless, the machine never quit screaming. The man was taken to a medical center, and a x-ray demonstrated a somewhat large pair of scissors in his abdomen area.

At the point when the pilgrim was told about it, he got the shock of his life. He recollected that he had an operation 15 years back yet never had any distress or torment afterwards

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