Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / Prophet passes on After Asking congregants To Bury Him Alive To Strengthen His Healing Powers

Prophet passes on After Asking congregants To Bury Him Alive To Strengthen His Healing Powers

A man kicked the bucket after he requested that his supporters cover him alive so he can heal them. Self-broadcasted prophet Shamiso Kanyama of Muzarabani, Zimbabwe, coincidentally passed on amid a healing service. Kanyama requested his devotees to burrow a grave and cover him alive so he can summon all the more healing powers.

On the other hand, when Kanyama did not come out of his grave, the soil was uprooted and he was discovered dead. Five individuals from the family were captured and accused of homicide. High Court Justice Owen Tagu heard that on the day being referred to, the five men asked their cleric, Zvidzai Muchengeti, for help to cleanse their home of underhandedness spirits, which brought on strange deaths in their family.

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