Top Healthy Tips ( How to live longer and Cancer free)
There is a direct relationship between our liver and large intestine. Once our large intestine is passable, liver will get recover, and build-up our antibody. Then, blood delivery to heart will be clean and no sickness will attack you.
…当一个人感觉到每天很容易疲倦、很容易累, 表示你的肝功能已经出现问题了,血已经没有办法回流到肝!
When you always feel tired or very easy to get tired, that means you are having problems with the liver, your blood is unable to return back to your liver.
What is your health depending on?
While you are sleeping, your spleen is going to collect blood and deliver to the liver for dialysis. After cleaning and filtering up the poisonous particles, it will then deliver to the heart, the heart will then despatch throughout your body. You then received nutrients and get healthy.
Unfortunately, nowadays people are having problems with their spleen. Spleen itself is not storing blood.
只有一个办法最养脾,五谷最养脾, 可是现代身体为什么都这么差,身体这么多病?
There is only one method to maintain healthy spleen, eating grains/oat/wheat are the most effective way. Why modern body is so poor, with so many sicknesses?
…因为都不吃五谷杂粮,吃汉堡、炸鸡、牛排、薯条, 又吃白米饭,所以你要吃造物主原创的食物,一定要吃五谷杂粮, 原始的杂粮,比如糙米等。
Because they don’t eat grains/oat, they eat burgers, fried chicken, steak, French fries, white rice. You must eat the source foods like brown rice, oat, wheat.
Recovering back the functionality of the four main organs, sickness will leave you.
Be patient and read this over several times and take good care of yourselves. This week is “world friendship week”, send this message to all of your good friends.
…当大部分人都在关注你飞得高不高时, 只有少部分人关心你飞得累不累,这就是 友情。
Most people are noticing how high you can fly, but very few people are taking note of how tired you are?