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Truth Be Told!!!


In this era of exclusive brainwashing orchestrated by the blue-eyed devil White folks and the deluded Black collaborators in our midst, we will never take a break in revealing that Homosexuality is hundred percent unAfrican. At the moment, some elements in motherland have been leading the campaign that homosexuals were present in pre-colonial Africa, these petit-historians sourcing the enemies sites, sourcing the devils books, wikipedia, to mention a few, are currently taunting that the 19th Century King Mwanga II of Buganda in present day Uganda was a gay!!!

This distorted and unforgiving accusation against King Mwanga to us is not coming as a total surprise because the devils have to use some house negroes in order to creep into our cultural and social values. Studies have shown that outside the fact that this King had the totality of Sixteen wives during his lifetime, he also had close to fifteen children. Just of recent King Kimera Muwenda Mutebi II, who is the reigning Kabaka of the Kingdom of Buganda, made a public statement debunking these claims in the most meaningful ways against his ancestors!!!

Many of these dubious, fabricated claims continues to reinforce our irrefutable contention that these absurdities; gayism, lesbianism, are nothing but the creation of the pale-skinned White man and woman because pre-colonial Africa basically had no name, artwork or documentation, orally or inscribed on it. Homosexuality had no place in pre-colonial Africa, thus it is unforgiving, it is absolutely propaganda, and irresponsible to believe such a lie against our well cultured, civil ancestors!!!

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