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WOw!!! What is Ifa? (Must See)

“What is Ifa?

Ifa is you
Ifa is me
Ifa is word
Ifa is world
Ifa is now
Ifa was yesterday
Ifa is today
Ifa is tomorrow
Ifa is life
Ifa is way
Ifa is knowledge
Ifa is warning
Ifa is solution
Ifa is miracle
Ifa is truth
At the same time, Ifa is DEATH
Ifa is everything. It depends on how you see it and how you apply it to what you do.

Remember no matter how you make use of Ifa, there’s always a repercussion so for those who use Ifa in the wrong way, remember the repercussion.”

So how do you see Ifa???

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