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Wrong Philosophies

Wrong Philosophies 🤦‍♀️

  1. “Whatever will be, will be”.
    Whatever will be will not be, you have to make it be. You have a part to play in what will be in your life, so don’t leave it to chance.
  2. “Half bread is better than none !”
    Why settle for half-bread when you can get a full bread or even own a bakery? This is a limiting belief that positions you to pay for less and it is a mediocre philosophy.
  3. “A fool at forty is a fool forever”.
    A fool at any age can be a fool forever if he refuses to let go of his foolishness. It is never too late to become wise because the day you wake up and wake up is when you change!
  4. “All fingers are not equal”.
    Yes! Fingers are not equal but that does not make any of them valueless. You are not even a finger, so why look down on yourself?
  5. “Life begins at forty”.
    If you are below forty and believe this, i feel so sorry for you because it means you are not yet alive. Your life has already begun!
  6. “What goes up must come down”.
    Well, not everything!
    Is your age coming down?
    Is your wisdom and knowledge coming down?
    Is the price of goods coming down? Think my friend!
  7. “He who laughs last, laughs best!”
    Why laugh last when you can laugh always and why laugh best when laughter is not a competition? When we program ourselves with these strange philosophies, they limit and restrict us.
  8. “The devil you know, is better than the angel you don’t know”.

Why do you want to associate with the devil, the devil depicts evil, no matter how you want to make it look. The angel you don’t even know is doing its primary assignment of guarding you always. Nothing good comes from the devil. Desist from such philosophy.

Change the way you think and talk.
Changing your mindset will change your life.

About addieneilson09

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