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Eleven Year Old Uruguayan Girl Refuses To Abort Her Pregnancy

The case revealed on Thursday, an 11-year-old girl, pregnant and not wanting an abortion, has created controversy in Uruguay, while in Paraguay; the pregnancy of a 10-year-old girl raises a question for public.

In Uruguay, the girl became pregnant the grandfather of his half-sister, aged 41, during the frequent visits of the latter to the family home in Montevideo, explained sources close to the case who requested anonymity. “It was during these visits that occurred abuse from adults,” the sources said.  The girl, now about 16 weeks pregnant, is hospitalized in the pediatric ward of the Pereira Rosell hospital in the capital. She does not want an abortion.

Uruguay has legalized abortion up to 12 weeks gestation in 2013, after decades of debate on the subject. The law allows, in cases of rape, abortion up to 14 weeks.  According to sources close to the family, the girl has a slight mental retardation and learning problems, but she was not recognized as disabled.

Medical reports, cited by the local press, confirm that the girl “has not the capacity to understand the consequences of pregnancy, motherhood and relationship with a man three times her age,” noting the “late, at least light” she presents mentally.

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