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Brexit: how the British people have forfeited the confidence of their government (a quick commentary)

After the uprising of the 17th of June
The Secretary of the Writers’ Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
The SolutionBertolt Brecht


To say that the Brexit was a historical event is an understatement, not because of the political or economic consequences of this vote, but because first and foremost it is a loud, painful and most humiliated smack in the collective face of the ruling “elites”which run the AngloZionist Empire.  All of them, not just Cameron, Merkel and Obama, but also and most importantly, their puppeteers: the AngloZionist comprador class which administers the EU colony on behalf of the USA.   That is not to say that those who voted to leave the EU did that with the intention to make a political statement against the “elites”s, though some undoubtedly did, but because this is how the 1% class of plutocrats which run the Empire will perceive it.


For them, this is something like a peasant insurrection, a Jacquerie if you want, and the normal reaction of feudal overlords threatened by their serfs it to put it down, not to negotiate with the serfs or, even less so, “reform” any of their ways.

Over and over again, we have seen that each time the referendums in Europe did not go the Empire’s way, or when the Empire was defeated in its policies (as in Syria, for ex.), the reaction was not to change course or engage in a lessons learned exercise, but to double-down and engage in what the French call “une fuite en avant” (to flee forward).

And that is what they will do next.

Because this is much bigger than Britain or the EU.  It’s first and foremost about racism.  Not the alleged racism of the “leave” voters, of course, but the very real racism of the AngloZionist “elites”s who can mentally cope with the “slothful southerners” in Greece being unhappy about the EU and who can, when needed, remind the Turks their place in the pecking order of the Empire (servant quarters), but who cannot and will not accept that members of their own kind, the people of Britain, would dare to reject them in such a public and humiliating fashion.

Europe is run by what the French philosopher Alain Soral so aptly called “an aristocracy without nobility”, a gang of feudal lords whose only loyalty is to their masters across the Atlantic.  These masters, by the way, have their own enforcement force, NATO, which will make darn sure that the Europeans don’t get any ideas about freedom, sovereignty or people power.

I don’t mean the above figuratively at all: this is the reality of Europe today, and the British people are putting it a risk and that is something nobody in the ruling class can, or will, accept.

There are already talks about a 2nd referendum with a few cosmetic changes, that was already done in Ireland, while others are suggesting that the British Parliament could simply ignore the vote, something which Holland is trying right now.  And should there be protests or demonstrations, a state of emergency to “protect democracy against the racist mobs” (or something similar) can be decreed, as was the case in Russia in 1993.  What is certain is that now that the the British people have “forfeited the confidence of the government” (that is how the ruling class will understand what happened), the British people will have to be taught once and for all not to rise up against their masters.

Finally, now that the real systemic, political and even moral crisis of the EU has become apparent to all, an obvious “solution” will be to to ratchet up international tensions with Russia, Syria and Libya.  After all, the Guardian was already stupid enough to accuse the Kremlin of using football hooligans as a part of a Russian “hybrid war” against Europe:


That kind of nonsense will not only continue, but will be sharply expanded.  Oh, and as we know, Putin is the one who orchestrated the Brexit or, at the very least, benefited most from it, right?

The Brexit situation is exactly the same as 9/11: the ruling classes are all dependent on maintaining the myth because they all put their full political weight behind that myth.

To admit that 9/11 was a controlled demolition or to admit that the EU project is a failure rejected by the people of Europe in many referendums would be a political suicide for thousands of politicians, experts, journalists, commentators, etc.  There is simply no way that is going to happen.

Brexit is similar to 9/11 in another manner too: the popular reaction to the 9/11 fairly tale was the first shot in a quasi overt war of the American people against their US ruling “elites” which eventually resulted in the adoption by the public of the concept of “1%” which is the result of a realization that the USA is not a democracy any more.  In the same way, the Brexit is clearly a vote of no-confidence of the British people against their rulers and a sign that the legitimacy of the entire political system is now openly questioned.  You think I am exaggerating?

Think again: to vote for the Brexit you needed to reject not only the alarmist voices of the political class, but also all the ugly innuendos of the corporate media, the threats for the likes of Soros, the dire warnings of doom and gloom coming out of NATO, etc.  So if you still voted “leave” after that, you were rejecting the authority and credibility of the entire political structure and once the credibility is in question, so is the legitimacy.

By the way, something similar is now happening in the USA were people express a very strong support for Trump even though the ruling “elites”s have engaged in a huge hate campaign against him.

The “elites”s in the US and UK know that their position and legitimacy is being questioned and they have to take action to stop this process of political disintegration.   In the words of Brecht, will they now try to” dissolve the people and elect another”?

Things are going to get ugly now.

The Saker

About BalogunAdesina

International political activist, public commentator, Political scientist and a law abiding citizen of Nigeria. Famous Quote ---> "AngloZionist Empire = Anglo America + Anglo Saxon + the Zionist Israel + All their Pamement Puppets (E.g all the countries in NATO,Saudi Arabia,Japan,Qatar..) +Temporary Puppets (E.g Boko haram, Deash, alQeda,ISIL,IS,...)"

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