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Ifa Dare’s reply to “What choice do they, the Ogboni, or the Afobaje have?”

“Before I stepped into primary school, I’d already learned about the rudiments of Yoruba’s epistemic and philosophical frameworks. At the JARIOGUN compound, I learned about Ewi, traditional folklore, and Egungun, Sango, Ogun, Esu and Osun rituals. I even learned how to make Sakara drums from scratch.

My favorite Egunguns were: Alupe, Andu and Imomoran! And my favorite festive season of the year was the Sango season.
It’s imperative for the Ogbonis and the Afobajes to establish an educational system, in which the heirs to the throne of Obaship are schooled on Yoruba’s epistemic and philosophical frameworks; preferably, in their formative years.”

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