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Tag Archives: Ukraine

General Igor Konashenkov

Amateurs think strategy, generals think logistics … Or why Ukraine is doomed

By F(unny) Man for Ooduarere via the Saker Blog A simple analysis of the events in real-time(1). No matter which one of the levels in the Battlespace (Tactical, Operational or Strategic) of this War (or Combined Arms Police Action, as of Mr. A. ...

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Ukraine and the Deeper Global Suicide Agenda

F. William EngdahlNew Eastern OutlookWed, 09 Mar 2022 00:00 UTC The decision by the Russian President to order military action in neighboring Ukraine beginning February 24, 2022 has shocked many, myself included. The question at this point almost two weeks ...

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bio lab

Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Statements and those biological labs

This will contain a few statements and this first one is from about 12 hours ago.  Source is MoD Russia Telegram Channel:  https://t.me/mod_russia_en Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry ▪️ The grouping of troops of Lugansk People’s Republic, continuing offensive operations, took ...

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The promised map after all UPDATED with 2nd map!

First, here is the promised map: I won’t comment on it, Andrei Martyanov gave you the full story for today. UPDATE: another map I found here: https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2022/03/09/updated_russian_occupation_of_ukraine_troop-to-task_estimate_820732.html

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At the peak of the Nazi terror in Ukraine, what should anti-fascists and Nazis dо?

https://ukraina.ru/exclusive/20220309/1033469118.html by Rostislav Ishchenko translated by V. What is bound to happen is bound to happen someday. In 2014, I wrote to appeal to the remaining anti-fascists in Ukraine, urging them to leave the country as soon as possible. I ...

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Russia op ukraine

The opinion of a professional about the special operation in Ukraine (MUST READ!)

Note by the Saker: one of our readers today sent me a very interesting document in Russian.  First, I thought “more of the same” (5th columnist stuff) but then I started reading it and I changed my mind.  This was ...

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The Russian military intervention in the Ukraine – a macro view

Today, rather than comment on the latest developments on the ground, I want to step back and revisit a few basic, but I believe absolutely fundamental aspects of the Russian military operation in not only the Donbass, but the entire ...

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biological weapons

A briefing on the medico-biological US activity in Ukraine (MUST SEE!)

Please press on the “cc” button to see the English subtitles!

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Major military and political developments and major risks next (UPDATED!)

First, the biggest news of the day: the city of Izium fell to the Russian forces.  Here is a map with Izium (Изюм) on the top and then two sets of arrows: the red ones show how the operational cauldron ...

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Pepe Escobar: How Russia Will Counterpunch the U.S./EU Declaration of War

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Only self-sufficiency affords total independence. And the Big Picture has also been keenly understood by the Global South. One of the key underlying themes of the Russia/Ukraine/NATO matrix is ...

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