Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / The Family, Friends and well-wishers pay Tribute to Glo Manager Adebayo Ola-Smith who was alleged by external parties to have mysteriously committed suicide.
Adebayo Ola-Smith

The Family, Friends and well-wishers pay Tribute to Glo Manager Adebayo Ola-Smith who was alleged by external parties to have mysteriously committed suicide.

Lost time is never found again, and so does any innocent person apparently murdered cold-bloodedly. This seems to be the case of a young, vibrant and highly educated Adebayo Ola-Smith, a Glo manager, who died on the 31st of August, 2012. Mr. Adebayo Ola-Smith, Globacom (Glo) Area Manager West 1, was alleged by external parties to have mysteriously committed suicide without any credible evidence to corroborate the aforesaid jaundiced findings of Fact where a failed State National Police Force disproportionately failed to establish the cause of death via the use of an unbiased, impartial, independent and competent Due Process and Due Procedure to arrive at a reasonable Conclusion and Determination of the sequence:

(1.) Homicide.

(2.) Accident.

(3.) Natural causes.

(4.) Suicide.

Ooduarere reaching out to the relatives of the deceased to pay tributes
and also in remembrance of the tragic loss to the Family of late Adebayo Ola-Smith.

We reached out to the Family of the late Mr. Adebayo Ola-Smith to find out how they are coping with the loss of their blood brother 10 years later.

Speaking from their home in Lagos, they say those responsible for Adebayo Ola-Smith’s death were terrorists, savages and evil people. The University College Hospital’s (UCH) discriminatory demand of half a Million Naira instead of twenty thousand Naira to carry out a post-mortem because Glo brought Adebayo Ola-Smith’s corpse to the morgue represents fraudulent exploitation of the Human Dignity of others.

Glo disproportionately failed to accede to the exploitative and discriminatory demands of UCH albeit the existence of the fact that it could have recouped its loss from the payout of the entitlement of Adebayo Ola-Smith a few months later to his wife. They put the blame on them.

It was reported in our last publication that GLO, UCH and the Nigerian Police Force colluded directly and/or indirectly to subvert the course of fairness and natural justice concerning the failure to determine the cause of death of Mr. Adebayo Ola-Smith before the burial of the deceased.

The Nigerian Police Force failed to determine the cause of death via any credible progression through the following established security conscious and common sense sequence of steps highlighted above.

We recall ”that Globacom (Glo) failed to pay the post-mortem fee despite its involvement in this regard insofar as the fact that prior to his untimely death, Lawrence Okpako was constantly bullying and harassing Adebayo Ola-Smith in relation to an issue with James Telecom whose case was before Agodi Police Station in Ibadan and the fact that Glo was capable of footing the cost of establishing the cause of death.

Lawrence Okpako , Regional Manager at Globacom Limited

The Family, Friends and well-wishers take a strong issue with the acts and omissions of Globacomm, UCH and the said failed State National Police Force.

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