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Ifa: The question is, Are you showing appreciation?

Ifa still gives blessing like it used to
Osun still give children like she used to
Ogun still make way like he used to
Sango still gives victory like he used to
Osanyin still heal like before
Obatala still purify ones life like before
Yemoja still cares for us as always
Aje(wealth) still visit like it used to
Olokun still gives richness like always.
All the Orisa/Irunmole still show their supports, love, care, kindness and blessing to us as they always do.

But the question is, Are you showing appreciation?

In many cases in Nigeria, people come to meet an Ifa priest for solution to their problems. After finding solution to it, they go to church or mosque to show appreciation. When they are coming back to meet the babalawo, what do they bring? “Baba Apari” “Gin/alcohol”.


We need to start seeing the best in ourselves.
Let’s appreciate ourselves then others will see the best in us.

The Orisa/Irunmole are still there to help and show us way if we also show them appreciation for all they’ve been doing in the past. Ase!!!
Aboru Aboye!!!

Popoola Owomide Ifagbenusola

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