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See What IFA Says On Adultery !

Many people request during iwure (prayers )and ebo (sacrifice ) is not usually granted, not because they don’t know the right ingredients or words to recite. But because their behavior and way of life is filthy to orisha and Olodumare (God ). Many babalawo think once they know all the necessary ingredients and word to use during iwure and ebo that their orisha will bring their request to Olodumare, I must be sincere with you that is erroneous in IFA spirituality.

If you are a babalawo that have indiscriminate sexual intercourse with other people’s wife or you alway take advantage of women that patronize you for sexual relationship you are just a babalawo by name not by act, because all your ebo and prayers and sacrifice is likely not to be granted even if you are very verse babalawo in terms of spiritual knowledge and power. As a babalawo or iyanifa whether santeria or what ever or any orisha devotee you should always know that adultery adultery is one of most heinous thing that can break your connection to orisha IFA and Olodumare God.

Olodumare has made it clear that Orisha devotee especially babalawo and any practicing diviner in yoruba spirituality should not betray the confidence of people they worked for either by having secret sexual affairs with their wife or husband or ward or even with clients their self to take advantage of their situation or misinterpreted IFA message for them to take advantage of them. For example using IFA reading to deceive a client to marry babalawo or orisha devotee. All these are abomination to IFA and Olodumare. Look if your iwure prayer and ebo sacrifice is not granted check yourself because orisha, ifa and Olodumare is always there to answer prayers any day any time provided the person soliciting is pure in mind and body adultery is one of the things to run away from if you are a babalawo that commit adultery II can belt it you are not a babalawo and people who patronize such diviner are wasting their time.


Hear what ifa said on adultery from odu ifa owonrin ose called owonrin wese .in that ifa verse ifa reveal to us how a a renowned powerful ifa priest, a great diviner and herbalist called Elisinje in the ancient time lost all his power of efficacious prayers to Olodumare because he committed adultery with olokun the wife of oduduwa who was his clients. Because Elisinje was aa family priest and herbalist to Oduduwa. He midwife the wives during birth. But olokun was aa very beautiful woman. ELesinje secretly begin to have love affair with the olokun who was wife of Oduduwa. Olodumare take away all the spiritual and herbal power of ELesinje for this offense or sin. When the secret reveal to oduduwa, he beheaded ELesinje in the puplic. Elisinje offer all the efficacious prayers he always offer but he failed to connect to orisha, ifa and Olodumare. They refuse to listen because the adulterous character of Priest ELesinje has blocked the road his prayer can take to get to Olodumare .see what the odu owonrin ose say your self.
Ori buruku ko gbo ose
Aweida ko gbo Ogun
Alawoobi seran
Omo araye te mon Lara
A difa fun awo ELesinje mmogbe iraye
Ti n se wolewode Oduduwa
Ti n gbebi awon aya Oduduwa
To tun se ale olokun aya Oduduwa
Oduduwa na lo pa
Esu airu
Egba airu
Alapata ni o tu asiri ELesinje
E o ri bi ELesinje se ba iku lo
Ela fon rere fon rere oo
Ela fon rere fon rere
Awo ELesinje fon rere pe Olodumare loke
Ona orun majin
Olodumare ko je oo
Ill luck head doesn’t yield to soap prepare to wash it
A stubborn dirt doesn’t yield to medicine prepared to clean it
When an unfaithful person denied his utterance
People refute his denial
Cast ifa divination for Elisinje
Who was intimate friend of Oduduwa
Who was a family doctor to Oduduwa
He also mid wife the wives of oduduwa
Who have secret love affair with Olokun ,a wife of Oduduwa
It was Oduduwa himself who killed him
Failure to perform sacrifice
Failure to perform ritual
A butcher revealed ELesinje secret
Don’t you see how ELesinje died?
Ela ELesinje make profuse calling someone
Ela ELesinje make a great lamentations
ELesinje call on God in heaven
The heaven seems too far
As God did not answer him.
My brother and sister in ifa and orisha you can see what happens to priest ELesinje. Olodumare refuse to answer his prayer when oduduwa want to behead him for his offence of adultery. It is the adultery that ELesinje committed with olokun the wife of Oduduwa that make ELesinje lose all his efficacious power of prayer and sacrifice. For your ebo and iwure to be effective adultery is one of the things to be avoided to get in touch directly with imonle, ifa orisha and Olodumare. Olodumare bless you ase.
You can contact babalawo Pele obasa obanifa for the following services :for Ifa divination reading and ebo (sacrifice ),for initiation into Ifa and any Orisha in Yoruba spirituality, order for this special consecrated Esu aje for your temple or personal use (this Esu is multi purpose),for spiritual and herbal fortifications etc.
Copyright babalawo Pele obasa obanifa, phone and whatsap contact :+2348166343145, email :babalawoobanifa@yahoo.com, like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/obanifa. ,location :Ile ife osun state Nigeria. .06-10-2015.

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