Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / For the Ifa Orisa/Isese: Have we forgotten the promises of Ifa to us for this year?

For the Ifa Orisa/Isese: Have we forgotten the promises of Ifa to us for this year?

Ela moyin Aboru, moyin Aboye, moyin Abosise,
Whether we are seeing from Obara Irete or from Ogunda Owonrin, what we have is all the expert, skilled, workmanship for the world that comes at the hands of Olodumare and Ifa. Our experiences the direction of our life the problematic issues that seems to be outstanding and overwhelming these are the things that Ifa has control over and moved these obstacles out of the way.


We are advised to make Ifa our pillar of support but more to trust and have faith in our Ori that chose this religious and spiritual system which proves over and over again it’s efficacy in bringing solutions to our problems…

It’s funny that as in an African ‘black’ originated, religious system, which even with Its own people; Olodumare-God Almighty and Ifa have to prove that IT will and has provided for us all and will continue to do so! The same that others in position of power and control do to us we do to our gods and and each other.


It is an old age idiom spoken colloquially within the African American community; which is that we must be twice as good, work twice as hard at being excellent in any endeavor, only to get only a fraction of what Caucasians have in power.
I, codicile this in saying, ‘Caucasians in power’, because those in Power, pit those who are not against each other, so that neither one sees that they both are being fucked royally with no grease… Yet, we treat our deities in the same cavalier way and attitude.
Those of us who know Ifa knows that if we walk within our destiny and seek guidance from Ifa and Orisa, follow our eewo-taboos, do sacrifice explicitly, we win… Ifa only asked of us to do what is right and proper; what is the good thing to do, to make those type of choices how hard is that?


Obara Irete
says that it foresees all ire of life for this person. Ifa is this person’s pillar of support. No matter how hard people struggle to stop him/her from succeeding they will never accomplish their mission.

Obara rete rete awo Omi
Dia fun Omi
Omi ntorun bo waye
Ebo ni won niko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Abudi o ni toluweri o
Ibiti a ti nbomi kii han
Abudi o ni toluweri o


Obarareterete the awo of Omi, Water
He cast Ifa for Omi
When Omi was coming from heaven to earth
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
There is no mark of where Water has been fetched
No matter what people do to water
The mark will never show

Ogunda Owonrin also speaks:
Ifa advises this person to do what is right and proper all the time. He/she must never be an oath breaker. That is what will make his/her life to be very rewarding.

Ogunda won lejo mo rin won rin won
Dia fun Bo-ti-to
Tii sawo isalu aye
Ogunda won lejo, mo rin won rin-won
Dia fun Bo-ti-gba
Tii sawo isalu Orun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Bo ti so o si mo o
Bo ti gba lo ku
Atewe, atagba
E sa je a maa rora se
Atewe, atagba


Ogun pronounced judgment on them and I laughed and laughed
Ifa’s message for Botito, what is proper
The awo of the world
Ogun pronounced judgment on them and I laughed and laughed
Ifa’s message for Botigba, what is expedient
The awo of the heaven
They were both advised to offer ebo
What is proper is no more
What is expedient is the only one remaining
Both youth and elders
Let us all be very careful
Both youth and elders
Aboru aboye abosise

Oluwo Jogbodo Orunmila

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