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Please help: I’ve been dreaming about my late mother.. Is this normal?

Disturbed man seeks public opinion after consistently seeing his late mom in his dreams.
“Lately, I’ve been dreaming about my late mother. Is this normal?
Apparently, after she died about 8 months ago, I’ve been having this re-occurring dreams that her death was some sort of mistake. That she was still alive. These dreams faded away for a while but came back few weeks ago. Just last night, i dreamt that I walked into a room and found her alive. Honestly speaking, I still find it hard to believe she’s dead and will never get the opportunity to see her again, atleast for now!

But then, In my dream last night, I was so happy to see her alive that i had to sit next to her for what seemed like hours holding her hands, hugging and telling her about everything that she missed over the last few months.
Does this mean that I’m not grieving properly? How long will this keep up? I do feel like I’ve let go, but my subconscious seems to disagree. Is this a normal experience?
I need honest Opinion pls…”
#heartbroken #dreams

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