Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / “It’s my right to know what is holding Mayowa from traveling out,” OAP Freeze

“It’s my right to know what is holding Mayowa from traveling out,” OAP Freeze

” OAP Freeze rants on Instagram, shared the photo bellow and wrote the following.
The public was asked to help Mayowa raise $100,000 about N32 million for treatment at Emory international hospital Atlanta, and so far over =N=122 million which is four times the amount requested was raised, and as of today 8th of August 2016, Mayowa is allegedly still in Lagos.

1. What is holding Mayowa from going to the US? Almost 2 weeks after the money was raised?
2. Why has this story been swept under the carpet? The public raised these funds and the public wants to know if she is being taken care of.

All I want is treatment for this lovely woman who cried her heart out to Nigerians, asking for assistance. I believe that it is my right to know if she is receiving that treatment! ~FRZ

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