2) The Blood Group And Rhesus Factor Test
This is also a basic test that should be done. It is basically for information purposes and it does not determine whether two people can marry. The rhesus factor test used to be a determinant though but with the advancement of science there is nothing to worry about. Knowledge of your spouse blood group is important before marriage because of rhesus isoimmunization/ blood group incompatibility that affects the fetus. This test is easy to perform and result is usually ready within 30 minutes.
Blood group is assigned to an individual as A, B, O and AB with another component known as the Rhesus factor which is referred to as positive or negative. Women with rhesus negative blood group married to rhesus positive husbands have a greater chance of rhesus incompatibility where the mother produces antibodies (body defence system) to target the red blood cells of the growing fetus (rhesus positive fetus) leading to intrauterine death and miscarriages. Knowledge of your spouse blood group will alert your doctor to institute preventive measures which are used to prevent rhesus incompatibility reactions during pregnancy.