Strangely, In the wake of Coronavirus pandemics, the Lagos state government has instrructed churches, mosques to stop gathering of crowd for their services, better still end all activities abruptly.
The rule also state that not more than 50 people should be seen in churches and mosques.
Interestingly, the General Overseer of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations, TB Joshua has reacted to the new rule, knowing fully well that millions of people troop in to his church every Sunday.
Surprisingly, he is the first Pastor to react and he also pleaded that everyone agrees with the government.
Viewers, listen to your government and obey the instructions given to you. For example, instructions concerning gathering at this time. They are authorities established by God (Romans 13). A good Christian is a good citizen. Whatever life brings, you are not alone. We are on our knees praying for you and your nation.
God bless you as you obey. Jesus is Lord!
The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations.