Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / If you don’t believe in “what will be will be”, then listen to voice of Olodumare in “Idin Ileke (Odi irete)”

If you don’t believe in “what will be will be”, then listen to voice of Olodumare in “Idin Ileke (Odi irete)”

A baa wo ‘yara ka ti’lekun mo ‘ri
Ohun ti o ma se ni ko ni sai se ni
Adifa fun Orisanla Oseremogbo
Ti ntorun bo wa’ye
Won ni bi o ru’bo nkan nla kan o se
Won ni bi o ru’bo nkan nla kan o se
Sugbon yoo bo ninu ewu na
My translation
Even if we enter our room and lock the door refusing to come out
What will happen will happen
Divine message revealed to Orisanla Oseremogbo (Obatala)
Coming from heaven to earth
He was told if he performs sacrifice, he would experience big affliction
If he doesn’t perform sacrifice, he would also experience big affliction
But he would survive.
The words of Olodumare manifested.
Can I have your views on this stanza, destiny, Ebo riru (Sacrifice)
I don’t claim to know more than you. Let us share and promote Ancient Philosophy.
From Araba of Oworonsoki land, Lagos Nigeria
Stay blessed.

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